Services | Groundwater Sampling

Groundwater Sampling Screen 15/16 Groundwater Sampler

There are numerous ways to obtain Groundwater samples. The most common methods are (1) The Screen Point 15/16 Samplers are used to collect groundwater samples from unconsolidated materials at depths ranging from near ground surface to over 100 feet below grade. The Screen Point 16 system (1.6 in. OD screen sheath) was designed to go under the more powerful GH60 hammer, both the Screen Point 15 and 16 utilize a 41” long screen (Stainless Steel or PVC) with the standard slot size of 0.004’. These protected screen samplers have only five parts, including the grout plug, plus a few O-rings to create a closed system. This enables you to collect representative groundwater samples from discrete intervals using a bladder pump, a tubing bottom check valve or a stainless steel mini bailer. Any of these sampling methods allow sampling directly from the screen area. The grout plug at the base of the screen makes it possible to conduct bottom up (trimie) grouting with bentonite slurries (please refer to well/boring abandonment section).

temporary ¾” ID slotted PVC

Another method to collect groundwater samples in case groundwater recovery is very slow are (2) Installing temporary ¾” ID slotted PVC risers via the Dual Tube 21 (DT21). The DT21Groundwater Profiler is three tools in one. The DT21 allows you to retrieve soil samples, collect groundwater samples, and perform slug testing (at multiple depth intervals) in one probe push. This lets you conduct detailed vertical profiles of groundwater contaminants with ease, or determine vertical and lateral variations in hydraulic conductivity to define preferential contaminant flow paths and optimize remedial system design. The screen interval may be developed with the tubing check valve, and samples can be collected with the pneumatic bladder pump. The screen system of the DT21 profiler is excellent for hydraulic conductivity (slug) testing. The DT21 profiler is also great for sampling at multiple depths and at deeper depths. Please refer to the Continuous Soil Sampling via DT21 section for additional details.

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